
Kid’s Hobby Fair (Jan 30)

Nacogdoches Public Library will host a hobby fair for young people on January 30.

Different clubs, organizations and individuals will share information about their chosen hobby during the come-and-go event. This will be a great chance to meet people who are doing what you already love…..or want to learn more about. More about clubs & groups here.

If you would like to share your hobby, please contact the Library at 559-2970. Booth space is limited and reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis, so call soon.


Date: January 30, 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. (come-and-go)
Place: Public Library (1112 North Street)
Ages: all ages welcome

More info? Call the Library at 936-559-2970

Lego Club (Feb 15)

The Nacogdoches Public Library offers Lego Club usually once a month on a Saturday afternoon. Children ages 1 – 17 are welcome, and parents will want to stay with the younger children. It’s even recommended to stay with your older children, actually – why not set aside an hour for some focused time together, just relaxing and having fun together? This event is inside and includes free snacks – it’s perfect!

The library provides all the Legos you need, so there is no need to bring your own. The big meeting room will be set up with tables, and mats are available to identify your projects and work area. A huge tub of Legos is available – use as many as you need.

DATE: February 15, 2014 (Saturday)
TIME: 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
COST: Free
AGES: 1-17

More info: Call the library, at 559-2970

Pajama Story Time (Dec. 12)

The Junior Forum is hosting the annual Pajama Story Time with a Christmas theme at the Nacogdoches Public Library. This is a special treat for the younger children and is a fun activity every year Don’t miss it!

Read more for all the details . . .