Nacogdoches is a great small town in Texas, one of the best!
Some call Nacogdoches “the oldest town in Texas” since there has been one people group or another living in the area for at least 10,000 years. Of course, other cities vie for that claim to fame, but that’s a story for another day (details here).
No matter how old it is, though, Nacogdoches is also a wonderful city that is still small enough to be friendly and manageable, but is already big enough to have a lot to see and do. If you hear anyone say “there’s nothing to do,” just don’t believe it! (Those are the folks who’ll probably be moving away soon, anyway…..) We have all the basics of movie theater, skating rink, putt-putt, bowling, lots of clubs and restaurants, many big chain stores, as well as an active downtown filled with antique stores, restaurants, music and so much more. And on top of all that, we have Stephen F. Austin state university to add another huge list of activities, clubs and groups to participate, and events to attend.
If you’d like to visit or live in a smaller city, then Nacogdoches is indeed a great city with much to offer. We have wonderful weather, friendly people, beautiful land and many activities of all kinds. There’s probably already a club or group of people meeting about your particular hobby or interest, and if there’s not, you can start one yourself.
Visit Nacogdoches and see what you’ve been missing!
Learn about moving your family to Nacogdoches – click here.
Learn about moving your business to Nacogdoches – click here.
Wikipedia basics about Nacogdoches – click here.